go with the wind 在 I played Studio Ghibli Piano Medley at a Music Store! 400K Special 的影片資訊
【400,000 Subscribes Special】I played soundtracks from Studio Ghibli written by Joe Hisaihi in a musi...
【400,000 Subscribes Special】I played soundtracks from Studio Ghibli written by Joe Hisaihi in a musi...
#'08年にセガが発売した、PS2用STG作であり、セガ最後のPS2用ソフト。 主な特徴としては、オーバーウェポンがゲージが空になるまで発動し続ける仕様に変更、自機の種類がステージ進行と共に増加、言語...
大西南,去邊樹最好呢? |『香港釣魚 : 艇釣』青衣油庫 {粵語旁白+中英文字幕} Under Strong South Western Wind, where should we go? | [Ho...
在英國6千英里自駕遊的第一集就講過如有機會會帶大家去英格蘭最美, 最大, 亦是最多人到訪的國家公園, Lake District 湖區! 既然封城回不了港, 就一於出發吧! 一連2集分享一下湖區的美景...
經過半年的英國lockdown後, 宇宙最長21日酒店隔離開始... 究我會如何渡過這21天呢? 要悶死了嗎? Lingoda 衝刺班!! ⭐免價學英文的機會? Lingoda Sprint: h...
香港終於開關讓滯留英國的香港人回去了! 究竟回港過程要怎樣, 要準備什麼東西, 隔離的酒店又是怎樣呢? 這條影片一一告訴你 分享給大家, 我的隔離酒店是2020年新落成的東涌福朋喜來登酒店: htt...
This is one of my favourite duets of all time and the lyrics (and the subtle things behind the song....
"Dream to Nantou" is an original song written and performed by Sandy H. Listen on Spotify / Apple ...
So the early Cherry blossoms were in season so I had to go out to capture it. I apologize for the au...
#英國飲茶#利物浦旅遊#利物浦自由行 利物浦街頭出現we love hongkong! 英國飲茶有咩食? ft. Lingoda 飛雲, 免費學英文既機會來喇!? Lingoda Sprint: ...